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뛰어난 측정 내역 추적 성능
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교정을 다시 하거나 측정 설정을 다시 입력하지 않고 계측기 간에 손쉽게 이동할 수 있음
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상자에 무엇이 있습니까?
Intellical ISENA381 combination Sodium ISE, 1 m cable (ISENA38101), Hach sodium standard solutions, 500 mL bottles of 100 mg/L, 1L bottle (no. 2318153) and 1000 mg/L (no. 1474949), Hach sodium ionic strength adjustor (ISA) Powder Pillows, pack of 100 pcs (no. 4451569), and ISE Basic User Manual.
ISA 필요:4451569
Method Type:Laboratory: Refillable Reference Element
Test requirements:Parameter Needed: Sodium Minimum Sample Depth (mm): 26
길이:175 mm
무게:0.1 kg
범위:0.023 mg/L (1 x 10-6 M) - 23 g/L (1 M) Na⁺
보증:6 개월
분해:Selectable up to 4 significant digits
상자에 무엇이 있습니까?:Intellical ISENA381 combination Sodium ISE, 1 m cable (ISENA38101), Hach sodium standard solutions, 500 mL bottles of 100 mg/L, 1L bottle (no. 2318153) and 1000 mg/L (no. 1474949), Hach sodium ionic strength adjustor (ISA) Powder Pillows, pack of 100 pcs (no. 4451569), and ISE Basic User Manual.