Summer is here, and that means it's algal bloom season. Join Hach and LightDeck experts as we review the basics of Harmful Algal Blooms and cyanotoxins, the impact these can have on water treatment plants, aquaculture and other areas. We will discuss the EPA approach to HAB monitoring and the options you have for bloom testing. We will showcase the effectiveness of the LightDeck Mini, our industry-leading rapid-testing analyzer. |
While the federal funding process may seem daunting, Hach is here to help. This webinar will focus on how you can access American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds, Infrastructure Investment and Job Act (IIJA) funds, and develop clear messaging to financial decision-makers to support delayed projects, necessary upgrades, or upgrades to maximize efficiency and sustainability for years to come. Your water work supports healthy and thriving communities. Improving access to clean drinking water and supporting wastewater and stormwater infrastructure is always essential, and we are here to help you build your business case. |
Infrastructure is a hot topic that we hear about daily. The need for reliable infrastructure is evident, however, identifying and applying for the funding can be time consuming and confusing. Hach is here to help. Join our webinar to learn more about the different processes as well as tips and tricks to navigate the immense world of government funding. We look forward to being your partner and simplifying this complicated process for you. |
Whether your goal is to extend your membrane life, reduce fouling and maintenance, or ensure product water quality, Hach understands the need to precisely control dechlorination before your RO membrane system. Join Hach experts for an overview of dechlorination across multiple industries. Learn how to get the most value out of your ultra-low range (ULR) chlorine measurement. We will also explore the benefits and drawbacks of different methods for accurately measuring chlorine residual in your RO feed water, including ORP, colorimetric, and amperometric measurements. |
New techniques for online monitoring now exist and this webinar will provide you with the technical details behind these methods and highlight their importance. |
Join the experts from Hach to learn how Western Berks, PA, is using machine learning software for raw water parameters to achieve optimal coagulant dose control combined with new online analyzer technology for Manganese to improve their oxidation processes. |
Examine the thickener process, common challenges, control of desludging and chemical usage, as well as the beneficial effects for the rest of the treatment process. |
Learn more about the process of disinfection, the addition of chemicals, and the destruction of bacteria in drinking water. |
Listen to the discussion on the treatment, quality, and use of sludge in a sewage treatment plant. |
Examine the details of TOC control and the parameters around digestion. |
New measurement methods can improve operations and response time to fit the CT goal and other drinking water plant objectives. Discover more about log reduction and find reliable solutions for both pre- and post-disinfection. |
New Insights and Technologies: Treatment Process Optimization webinar hosted by AWWA highlighting ATP & Manganese monitoring in drinking water facilities |
Join as we give you an overview on the science around TOC, why you need to monitor, and the advantages and disadvantages of traditional TOC analysis methods. |
Industry experts discuss how you can pro-actively monitor and address issues like organics, nitrates, microbiological activity, and minerals that start in your source water but can wreak havoc on your treatment and distribution processes. |
Join this round table discussion with industry experts and two utilities leading the industry about how software and connected systems are changing the way utilities are managing their facilities and advancing what can be done in a single day. |
Join disinfection experts for a panel discussion and Q&A around online chlorine monitoring technology including a review of the fundamentals, why you should consider one technology over the other, and how to select the right solution to help you deliver a quality product to your customers. |
Learn how to get quick results, and how to measure total active microorganisms in any sample. |
Learn more about water quality testing in the field and how you can test faster, have less variablility, and get rid of the hassle. |
Explore the chemistry of alkalinity and its importance in water treatment. |
Take a detailed look at the chemistry of water hardness, water softening and measurement methods. |
Find out more about properties and sources of flouride along with measurement methods and applications. |
Learn how to maximize your filter performance by knowing when to start, and when to stop your backwash. |
Figure out where you should place your instruments and sensors for maintenance and calibration & more. |
Delve in to how online TOC analysis is used to manage industrial water quality and get tremendous insight into the water use processes. |
Investigvate factors contributing to scaling and corrosion in drinking water, methods to measure phosphates for corrosion control and tools for estimating corrosion tendencies. |
Dive into simple titration in drinking water analysis in this webinar. |
Join us for a discussion on organics monitoring featuring the QbD1200 Lab TOC Analyzer |
Don't miss out on learning how to monitor and carefully manage the disinfection process. It can make or break your results. |
See how you can improve or get a constant view on your incoming water, your effluent, and your percent removal. |
Discover the importance of source water monitoring and make sure you get the complete picture so you can react quickly to changes. |