The solid-state sensor design allows for DRY storage of the ISE without a shelf life. Also, the probe does not require the electrolyte to be refilled or membrane replacement.
Fast, stable, and accurate results
Intellical digital probes lock on the result when the measurement is stable, removing the guesswork in having a moving number. Additionally, the probe’s large annular reference junction provides maximum surface area between sample and reference electrolyte for fast measurement stability.
Ultimate traceability in measurement history
Stored time and date stamp for each measurement, operator and sample ID, calibration history, parameter, and probe serial number
Can be moved between meters without the need to re-calibrate or re-enter measurement settings
Ideal for a multi-user environment with multiple HQD series Laboratory and Portable meters
상자에 무엇이 있습니까?
Intellical ISEF121 combination Fluoride ISE, 1 m cable (ISEF12101), Test certificate, and Basic User Manual.
ISA 필요:258999
Method Type:Laboratory: Non-Refillable Dritek Gel Reference Element