HQ40d Meter, PHC301 Standard pH Probe with 1 meter cable and LDO101 Standard LDO Probe with 1 meter cable

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HQ40d Meter, PHC301 Standard pH Probe with 1 meter cable and LDO101 Standard LDO Probe with 1 meter cable
제품 번호: HQ40D53151301

사용되지 않는 항목

Guided Calibrations

All Hach HQd Digital Meters provide an intuitive user interface with guided calibration and check standard routines to reduce calibration errors and simplify operation. Calibration status indicator and custom calibration alerts ensure accurate results.

Traceability and Reporting

HQd meters record probe serial numbers, current calibration data, user ID, sample ID, time, and date automatically in the data log. Each measurement can be linked to sample ID, user ID, probe serial number, and more for complete traceability and regulator

Easy to Use in the Field

All connections between the meter and the probe are secure and waterproof. Connectors can be color-coded for quick identification. Information is clearly displayed on the one screen with back light for low light conditions. Display results can be enlarged.

Error-free O2 results without calibration or replacing the electrolyte

Rugged and waterproof meter design provides worry-free, reliable operation in field environments. All connections between the meter and the probe are secure. Connectors can be color-coded for quick identification. Information is clearly displayed on the one screen with back light for low light conditions. Display results can be enlarged.

Full GLP data management

Package content includes everything you need to start testing. Details below

상자에 무엇이 있습니까?

Comes with HQ40d Meter, manual, 4 AA batteries, power supply, USB/DC adapter and field kit (field kit includes protective meter glove, wrist strap, neck strap, 2 standard probe holders and 5 sample cups). Plus, standard liquid filled PHC301 pH probe with


AC 및 USB 작업: Included
BOD5/CBOD 분해: Available when used with Hach WIMS BOD Manager software
DO 센서 교정: * 100% (water-saturated air (100%) calibration
* 100% with 0 (water-saturated air (100%) calibration with 0 point
* mg/L (calibration with a specified dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L) solution)
* mg/L with 0 (calibration with a specified dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L) solution with 0 point)
* Factory (calibration with the default LDO calibration)
GLP 기능: Date; Time; Sample ID; Operator ID
IP 등급: IP67
ISE 전극 교정: keep
ISE 직접 측정 범위: Electrode specific - see electrode user instructions
mV 분해능: 0.1 mV
mV 측정 범위: -1500 에서 1500 mV
Needed Cable Length: 1
ORP 전극 교정: Predefined ORP standards (including Zobell's solution)
Parameters: pH

Dissolved Oxygen
PC 데이터 전송 소프트웨어: HQD Series Meter Data Transfer Utility
pH 분해능: 0.001 에서 0.1 pH
pH 전극 교정: 1 - 3 Calibration points
Calibration summary data logged and displayed
pH 측정: 0 - 14 pH
Sensor A: PHC30101 (1 m)
Sensor B: LDO10101 (1 m)
Sensor C: NA
Sensors: Sensor A: PHC30101
Sensor B: LDO10101
Sensor C:
TDS 분해: 0.01 mg/L up - 0.1 g/L upon measuring range
TDS 측정 범위: 0.00 mg/L - 50.0 g/L NaCl
Type of measurement: Field Measurements
고정 버퍼 선택: IUPAC standards
(DIN 19266) or Technical buffer (DIN 19267) or 4-7-10 series or user defined
교정: Demal (1D/ 0.1D/ 0.01D);
Molar (0.1M/ 0.01M/0.001M);
NaCl (0.05%; 25µS/cm; 1000µS/cm; 18mS/cm);
Standard sea water;
User defined
교정 간격/경고/반복알림: Off, selectable from 2 hours to 7 days
기기: Portable
기압 측정: For automatic compensation of DO when using an LDO or LBOD probe
내용물: No
데이터 내보내기: Download via USB connection to PC or flash memory device.
Automatically transfer entire data log or as readings are taken.
데이터 메모리: 500 results
데이터 저장소: GLP/ISO compliant reading data stored with calibration details.
Calibration details and check standard readings documented in data log.
Automatically store in "press to read" mode and interval measurement mode.
Manually store in "continous read" mode.
동시 측정: Yes, 2 channels
디스플레이: Display readings from one or two probes

Simultaneous readings from two probes (HQ440d only)

pH: pH, mV, temperature

Conductivity: Conductivity, TDS, salinity, resistivity, temperature

LDO: dissolved oxygen, pressure, temperature

LBOD: dissolved oxygen, pressure, temperature

ORP/Redox: mV, temperature

Sodium: Sodium, mV, temperature
디스플레이 유형: 240 x 160 pixel LCD with backlight illumination
디스플레이 잠금 기능: Continuous measurement or "press to read" mode available with averaging function for LDO measurement.
디지털 (인텔리전트) 전극 입력: 2 channels
맞춤형 교정 기준: User-defined standard sets
모델: HQ40D – Multi/2 Channels
무게: 335 g (0.75 lb) without batteries; 430 g (0.95 lb) with
보증: 36 개월
분해: 0.1/ 0.01/ 0.001
상자에 무엇이 있습니까?: Comes with HQ40d Meter, manual, 4 AA batteries, power supply, USB/DC adapter and field kit (field kit includes protective meter glove, wrist strap, neck strap, 2 standard probe holders and 5 sample cups). Plus, standard liquid filled PHC301 pH probe with
안정적인 측정치로 mV 측정: -1500
언어: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish, Swedish, Czech, Russian
염분 분해: 0.01 (ppt) (‰)
염분 측정 범위: 0 - 42 (ppt) (‰)
온도 보상: Automatic Temperature compensation for pH
  Automatic Temperature compensation for pH
온도 분해: 0.1
온도 측정: °C or °F
용존산소(DO) 측정 범위: 0.1 - 20.0 mg/L (ppm) 1 - 200% saturation
용존산소 분해: 0.1
운영 오류 메시지: Keypad
입력: 13**
자동 버퍼 인식: Color-coded: 4.01, 7.00, 10.01 pH;
IUPAC: 1.679, 4.005, 7.000, 10.012, 12.45
DIN: 1.09, 4.65, 9.23
User-defined custom buffer sets
작동 습도: 90 % 상대 습도(비응축)
작동 온도: 5 에서 45 °C
작동 인터페이스: Predefined ORP standards (including Zobell's solution)
전기전도도 측정, 온도 보정: None; Linear; NaCl Non-Linear Natural Water.
전도성 분해능: 0.01 µS/cm
전도성 측정: 5 different stability modes
전도성 측정 범위: 0.01 µS/cm to 400 µS/cm
준수 인증: CE
측정 방법: Probe specific programmed method settings
측정 범위 ORP: -1500 에서 1500 mV
프로브 구성 내역: PHC30101, LDO10101
프로브 유형: PHC30101, LDO10101
프린터: Yes, Optional
항목: pH, mV, ISE, DO, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, Resistivity, ORP, Temp