EZ Arsenic High Range Test Kit

EZ Arsenic High Range Test Kit
제품 번호: 2822800-KR
Unit Price Hach에 문의

Simple, economical kit for measuring arsenic levels in the field

Provides fast, reliable results in 20 minutes

상자에 무엇이 있습니까?

Includes three reagents, test strips, reaction vessel and cap, cotton balls, sample cell, instructions and carrying case.


각주: *mg/L unless otherwise noted; ppb = µg/L; ppm = mg/L.; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm.
모델: Test Strip (EZ)‡
무게: 1.13 kg
범위: 0 - 500 ppb As
범위 2: 0 - 4000 ppb As
상자에 무엇이 있습니까?: Includes three reagents, test strips, reaction vessel and cap, cotton balls, sample cell, instructions and carrying case.
시험 횟수: 100
최소 증분: Steps: 0, 10, 25, 50, 250, 500 ppb
최소 증분 단계: Steps: 0, 35, 75, 175, 1500, 4000 ppb
케이스 스타일: D
플랫폼: Test Strip
항목: Arsenic