When connected to SC controller: three set-point alarms, each equipped with an SPDT relay with unpowered contacts rated 5A resistive load at 230 V AC
동시 측정:
0 에서 50 °C (32~122°F)
1720E Turbidimeter: 5.9 kg
무게 2:
1720E Turbidimeter and SC200 Controller:
8.2 kg
Better than ± 1.0 % of reading or ±0.002 NTU, whichever is greater (Defined according to ISO 15839.)
반응 시간:
Initial response in 1 minute, 15 seconds for a full-scale step change
0.001 - 100 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)
12 개월
상자에 무엇이 있습니까?:
1720E, 1720E User Manual, and 1000 mL 20 NTU Stablcal .
Turbidimeter body and head assembly: wall and floor stand; sc controller: wall, pole, panel, and floor stand
시료 온도:
0 에서 50 °C (32~122°F)
시료 유속:
200 에서 750 mL/분
시료 입력:
1/4 inch NPT female, 1/4 inch compression fitting (provided)
시료 출력:
1/2 inch NPT female, 1/2 inch hose barb (provided)
신호 평균 시간:
0, 6, 30, 60, 90초 중에서 사용자가 선택
Listed by ETL to UL 61010A-1: Certified by ETL to CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1: CE certified by Hach Company to EN 61010-1
인증 2:
CE certified by Hach Company to EN61326 (industrial levels)
작동 습도:
5 - 95 % 비응축
작동 온도 범위:
0 - 40 °C (Double Sensor System)
0 - 50 °C (Single Sensor System)
저장 조건:
-20 에서 60 °C
전력 요구 사항(Hz):
50 - 60 Hz
전력 요구 사항(전압):
±2% of reading or ±0.02 NTU (whichever is greater) from 0 - 40 NTU
정확도 2:
±5% of reading from 40 - 100 NTU (Defined according to ISO 15839.)
준수 인증:
Standard Methods 2130B, USEPA 180.1, Hach Method 8195
채널 수:
Up to five selectable for 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA; output span programmable over any portion of the 0-100 NTU range; built into the SC Controller
Sensor only
크기(H x W x D):
254 mm x 305 mm x 406 mm
When connected to SC controller: Modbus RS232/RS485, Profibus, Hart